
Thursday, 27 March 2014

Why we Use a Knife and fork

Why should you use a knife and fork?

Have you choked on a piece of meat before?......

When you use a knife and fork  its best to cut the meat up into bite size pieces so you can’t choke,and it will be easier to eat. When using a knife and fork is best because it keeps your hands clean  and tidy. Knifes and forks help you from making people uncomfortable and embarrassing yourself.

Keeping Clean and tidy:
keeping clean and tidy is eating properly, and keeping your hands clean so we use a  knife and fork to eat. That  also keeps us from getting germs on your hands. It also keeps us from eating with your hands .

Eating  pieces:
when you're eating it  is always better to cut your meat or food into bite size pieces, so you won't choke on any piece of food. Using a knife and fork helps you from getting heaps of bacteria on your hands.  

Using your manners with a knife and fork is better than using your hands and because you will be embarrassing yourself  and the people around you.and its being healthy and clean.
Thats why when we eat with a knife and fork.It helps you dont get sick and and put germs in your mouth.So now you know the truth that why you alway use a knife and fork.

Partners Name
Explanation Writing Assessment

Needs work
Getting there
Got it!
No title or title doesn't have to do with the topic.
Title has to do with the topic but doesn't give very much information. (e.g. “Snails.”).
Title gives information about what the explanation will tell you (e.g. “How snails eat.”).
Explanation is not broken into paragraphs.
Explanation has paragraphs but it does not have one idea per paragraph.
Explanation has one idea per paragraph, and includes an introduction and summary.
There are no special words that relate to your topic.
There are some special words that relate to your topic, but some are missing.
All the special words that relate to your topic are there.
Doesn't use joining words like because or so to show cause and effect.
Doesn't use timeless present tense.
Sometimes uses joining words to show cause and effect. Mostly uses timeless present tense.
Uses joining words to show cause and effect whenever this is needed. Always uses timeless present tense.
Explanation of events is not in sequence.
Explanation of events is mostly in sequence.
Explanation of events is in sequence.
Hardly ever uses full stops, commas and capital letters correctly.
Usually uses capital letters, commas and full stops correctly.
Almost always or always uses capital letters, commas and full stops correctly.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Our year 5 & 6 Camp 2014

Today on our first day of camp we had to go to top Town at top  town  we had 20 minutes to fill up as water balloons as we can, top town was very challenging. The next thing we done was kayaking that was also sort of challenging because me and Lucy were on a double kayak and we were challenging Paris and May.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Weather Statistical Investigation

 (Thanks for watching.) This week  we have been learning about weather around the world we got to choose three countries or islands and me and my partner chose three islands and had to investigate  what the weather was like in the past week.